Hebe 'Autumn Glory'
'Autumn Glory'
Open evergreen shrub with purple-edged foliage and deep blue flower spikes. Attractive to bees.
Mid-summer to early winter.
Compact, fairly dense shrub, erect then spreading. H&S: 1x1m.
Smooth edged, single leaves in pairs. Fleshy, ovoid alternating in pairs. Leaf buds are faintly tinged with red.
Round stem, stiff and green. Older growth woody.
Flowers – conical inflorescence, opening from bottom upwards. Individual flowers blue, asymmetric and trumpet shaped. Flowers in late summer.
Sun/partial shade. Shelter from wind.
Light, well drained.
Frost hardy to –5 in certain areas.
Cut back in spring.
Cuttings in late spring/early summer, or by seed.
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