Spiraea 'Arguta' (also called Bridal wreath)
Fast growing deciduous shrub grown for arching sprays of white flowers in spring. A reliable flowerer, it is good for mixed borders and suitable for hedging. Tolerant of most garden conditions.
Attractive to bees.
Habit - arching, rounded. H&S: 2.5m
Stem - slender, arching.
Leaves - lance-shaped, oblong, toothed and bright green, up to 4cm long.
Flowers - profusely borne along all stems, white, saucer-shaped, up to 2.5cm across.
Sun to partial shade.
Moist, but well drained, otherwise not really fussy.
Fully hardy.
Cut back and thin out some of the older growth after flowering to promote vigour.
Softwood cuttings in summer.
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